"Mary Helen Camarena"                 June 10th 1957 Sept. 28th, 2018        

On September 28th, 2018

My Mother Mary Helen Camarena passed away from a sudden heart attack. I wanted to dedicate this page to her. She was a great woman and what I admired about and miss the most was how she continued to try to learn new ways of doing things, new ways on how to talk to people, how to help people, how to glide through life.

I'm sorry for everything I had put her through as a teen. I am, however, very fortunate to have spent the time that I did with her as an adult. My teen life became a blur and I feel we didn't really "truly" know each other until my early adulthood. She became a very close friend to me as well as my mother, and I am glad that I got to share in that experience. We bounced ideas off of one another about all kinds of things, from Martial Arts to religious theory, from music to movies, and everything else in life. 

   She was the first one to tell anyone who would listen that she wasn't perfect - but she also tried very hard not to make the same mistakes twice in her life (what she considered mistakes) and as far as I'm concerned she didn't. Rest in peace mom. It was nice knowing you and I hope one day we can see each other again. I do believe in the lord and savior. And, I believe you are with him. I hope I make it . . . I just hope . . . mom. . . but if not . . . I just want you to know . . . that I love you always and forever . . . and I miss you.


your youngest son . . . Nicholas. 

For those interested you can hear a piece of ambient music I composed in dedication to her. It's called "Mother Mary".

Click the link to go to the Sound Cloud page

Mother Mary - Nicholas Camarena


Copyright 2025 Nicholas Camarena. Eclipse Eye Productions
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